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Bố quyết định áp dụng chế độ ăn kiêng cho con gái vì điểm số thi thử lớp 10 của cô bé thấp

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Anh Văn's daughter has registered for her first choice at Xuân Đỉnh High School. This is the school with the highest entrance scores in Tây Hồ district in recent years.

To get into the school, students need to score an average of about 8 points per subject. The homeroom teacher assesses that Anh Văn's daughter has the ability to get into the school. However, after 4 mock exams, Anh Văn feels uneasy.

"The first mock exam, my daughter scored 41 points, which was quite good. However, in the 2nd and 3rd attempts, she only scored 39-39.75 points. In the most recent mock exam following the district's test, she only scored 35 points, with English not reaching 7 points.

With this score, I'm worried that she won't pass the public school exam. She only registered two preferences," shared Anh Văn.

Prior to this, in case his daughter doesn't pass the public school, Anh Văn's family had her apply to a private school and she got accepted.

Over the past few days, Anh Văn and his wife have been anxious, worrying, and starting to re-calculate the family's expenses to prepare for their daughter studying at a private school.

Parents encouraging their child before entering the 10th grade exam room (Photo: Mạnh Quân).

The backup school chosen by Anh Văn costs about 45 million VND per year. Including meals, books, uniforms, and bus transportation, the total amount to be paid is around 80 million VND per year and 240 million VND for 3 years of study without additional expenses.

Furthermore, to prepare for university entrance exams, Anh Văn's family will have to send their daughter to study IELTS. The average cost is 30-35 million VND per year.

If she attends public school, the monthly tuition fees, including additional classes and other contributions, amount to about 1.5 million VND. That's 15 million VND per year, totaling 35 million VND for 3 years.

"Looking at the tuition fees to be paid, everyone can see the benefits of passing the public exam. Even if she needs extra classes for 4 subjects for the high school graduation exam, the monthly fee is only half of the private school.

We're determined that if she attends a private school, the family's other expenses will have to be cut back. For example, everyone will have breakfast at home instead of going out, limit travel, limit shopping...

The couple discussed, considering the money without daring to let their daughter know. This period is very sensitive. Children are pressuring themselves. If she notices a significant difference in tuition between private and public schools, she will feel more psychological pressure," said Anh Văn.

Sharing the family's concern, Ms. Nguyễn Thúy Hà - a math teacher in Hanoi - advised: "Parents should not be too concerned about their child's mock exam scores at this time."

Ms. Hà explained that there are many reasons for a student's mock exam scores to be abnormal such as difficult tests, confusion during the exams, psychological pressure...

Students taking the 10th-grade entrance exam in Hanoi in 2023 (Photo: Đỗ Minh Quân).

"Usually, mock exams are more challenging than real exams. Therefore, it is common for students to not score high on mock exams but perform well in the actual exam.

Additionally, students taking mock exams have two types of psychology. Either students are too stressed by the results of mock exams leading to confusion when doing the real exam, or students are subjective about the mock exam, thinking that the test is not important so they don't do their best. Both of these psychologies lead to unsatisfactory exam results," analyzed Ms. Hà.

According to this teacher, the purpose of mock exams is not to assess students' competence but mainly to let them familiarize themselves with exam conditions, improve exam skills, and correct and limit their mistakes while taking the exam.

At this time, students have already registered for their preferences. What they need to do is focus on solidifying their knowledge, practicing exam skills, balancing study and rest, eating healthily, maintaining good health to prepare for the upcoming exam.

Ms. Hà also added: "Perhaps every family has contingency plans if their children don't pass the 10th-grade public school exam.

I hope that no matter what the result, both parents and children should be optimistic that there are many paths in education. Every path will be beautiful if we know why we study and put in diligence and perseverance for each step on that path."

(*) Parent's name has been changed

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