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Seungri and his accomplices distribute obscene videos, exploit women to make money

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In 2019, a series of atrocities such as group coercion, voyeurism, brokerage of prostitution, and creating sex chat groups to distribute videos of women being assaulted by Seungri and his friends Jung Joon Young, Choi Jong Hoon caused shockwaves in Asia. Recently, the documentary film Burning Sun - Exposing the secret Kpop chat groups provided detailed insights, surprising viewers about the real lives of the once-popular Kpop idols.

Seungri, Jung Joon Young, and Choi Jong Hoon were key figures in the scandalous sex chat group that rocked the Korean entertainment industry in 2019 (Photo: Naver).

3 rape videos haunting viewers

In particular, a video showing Jung Joon Young filming women and treating them as objects left viewers outraged. Not only did they secretly film and distribute sensitive scenes of the girls, but they also made vulgar comments about the victims who were assaulted.

"My heart aches reading the conversations in that sex chat group. The content is more horrific than I thought," journalist Kang Kyung Yoon - the first to access data about the sex chat group - shared.

The first video showed Jung Joon Young and Choi Jong Hoon drinking with young women. Jung Joon Young kept pouring alcohol for a girl despite her refusal and admission that she couldn't drink anymore. Later, Jung Joon Young engaged in inappropriate behavior with the girl.

Aside from coercing victims under the influence of alcohol or recording rape incidents and sharing them in the sex chat group, the members also organized group sex parties that horrified the Korean public.

In 2015, Jung Joon Young and his friends decided to "hunt" during a skiing trip at a resort near Seoul, where a serious sexual assault occurred. Choi Jong Hoon invited some girls to the resort for a party.

Jung Joon Young shocked the public with his perverse filming tendencies (Photo: Newsen).

The girls all shared that they lost all memories after chatting and drinking with Choi Jong Hoon, Jung Joon Young, and four other guys. Afterward, the sex chat group shared sensitive images in the group along with degrading comments.

In 2016, Jung Joon Young and his friends raped an unconscious girl who had passed out from excessive drinking and falling and hitting her head at a hotel in Daegu, South Korea.

The exchanged messages between Jung Joon Young and members in the sex chat group were disclosed. Despite the girl being unconscious, Jung Joon Young and his friends took turns assaulting her and recording videos.

The scheme of using women as tools to lure the wealthy by Seungri

In 2022, Seungri was convicted of 9 charges, notably the charge of brokering prostitution. The documentary film Burning Sun - Exposing the secret Kpop chat groups also explained Seungri's motives.

According to the documentary, leveraging his status as one of the superstars of the Asian entertainment industry, Seungri schemed to enter the upper class circles of South Korea through business ventures.

To connect with wealthy individuals and high-ranking figures not only in South Korea but also in several other countries worldwide, Seungri turned sex and women into tools to win over his partners. The Burning Sun nightclub was the starting point of Seungri's wealth ambitions.

Seungri organized wild parties to connect with the wealthy in Asia (Photo: Naver).

According to investigative sources, Seungri was the mastermind behind the depraved chat group. Choi Jong Hoon (member of F.T. Island) and Jung Joon Young just followed Seungri's lead.

In 2017, Seungri held an extravagant party with an estimated cost of over 1 million USD in Palawan Island, Philippines. He booked an entire resort to celebrate his birthday, covering flight tickets for VIP guests and other expensive costs. In reality, this event attracted Seungri's covert investors to establish the Burning Sun nightclub.

He invited tycoons from Japan, China, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand to attend. According to the content in the documentary, Seungri recruited his group of debauched friends to participate in this business deal. He arranged staff and plans to bring beautiful girls from nightclubs and introduce addictive substances into the party.

Two months after the lavish party in the Philippines that cost millions of dollars, the Burning Sun club was established. Lee Moon Ho became the chairman, Mrs. Lin was the investor, and Seungri was the CEO. Through the club, Seungri's crimes became more serious.

According to a former Burning Sun staffer, GHB - a drug that can render victims unconscious and with no recollection of events - was commonly used at the club. "Every day I witnessed guests, especially women, lose consciousness after being drugged with GHB at Burning Sun," a staff member recounted.

The three key figures in the shocking sex chat group scandal, Jung Joon Young, Seungri, and Choi Jong Hoon, have all faced legal punishment for their actions. They also announced their retirement and are permanently banned from returning to the Korean entertainment industry.

However, the pain of the victims may not easily heal. After the documentary film on the Burning Sun scandal aired, many viewers expressed anger and declared their departure from fan clubs.

"I used to have faith, but now I can't bear it anymore," "It's really disgusting" are some of the comments from fans after watching the documentary on the Burning Sun scandal. They also believe that Seungri's 18-month prison sentence is truly too lenient for his crimes.

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